1. Introduction
Synthetic fertilizers have been found a key contributors to productivity of food crops during green revolution and they are still largely applied with the aim to achieve higher crop yields
[1] | Ali, M., et al., Pakistan’s fertilizer sector: structure, policies, performance, and impacts, in Agriculture and the Rural Economy in Pakistan. 2017, University of Pennsylvania Press. p. 219-272. |
. N fertilizers largely contributes to crop production, yet its excessive use encounters N losses, exceeding 50% either as nitrate leaching or gaseous N losses, i.e. N
2O emissions or ammonia volatilization
[2] | Lu, W., et al., Dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium in a soil under greenhouse vegetable cultivation as affected by organic amendments. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2015. 15(5): p. 1169-1177. |
. Wheat (
Triticum aestivum L.), a staple food crop, occupies almost 41% of the total cultivated land (22.8 million ha) and consumes ~45% of the fertilizers in Pakistan. Nevertheless, wheat yield has remained low in this region compared to others, mainly due to imbalanced fertilization and lower fertilizer use efficiency
[3] | Akhtar, M., et al., Influence of different rates of phosphorus on growth, yield and phosphorus use efficiency in two wheat cultivars. Journal of plant nutrition, 2011. 34(8): p. 1223-1235. |
[4] | Ahmad, N. Integrated plant nutrition management in Pakistan: status and opportunities. in Proc. Symp. Integrated plant nutrition management, NFDC, Islamabad. 2000. |
[3, 4]
. The average N use efficiency in cereals is very low, i.e. 33 to 36% in Pakistan
[5] | Omara, P., et al., World cereal nitrogen use efficiency trends: review and current knowledge. Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment, 2019. 2(1): p. 1-8. |
compared to the global efficiency of 57%. Consequently, a huge share of the applied N fertilizer is lost to the environment, originating from a total annual fertilizer consumption of 2.8 million tons in Pakistan; the fertilizer losses account for about US$ 600 million per annum
[6] | Tahir, M. M., et al., Evaluation of selected medicinal plant materials and dicyandiamide on nitrification of urea‐derived ammonium under laboratory conditions. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 2021. 184(1): p. 132-141. |
. A wise N management could curtail N losses and enhance crop responses to applied fertilizer, which is however challenging.
[7] | Kalcsits, L. A. and R. D. Guy, Variation in fluxes estimated from nitrogen isotope discrimination corresponds with independent measures of nitrogen flux in Populus balsamifera L. Plant, cell & environment, 2016. 39(2): p. 310-319. |
[8] | Lassaletta, L., et al., 50 year trends in nitrogen use efficiency of world cropping systems: the relationship between yield and nitrogen input to cropland. Environmental Research Letters, 2014. 9(10): p. 105011. |
[7, 8]
. Ammonia volatilization is the main pathway of N losses in alkaline soils. Urea and/or ammonium containing fertilizers result in higher ammonia volatilization rates, but lower NUE in crop grown on alkaline soils
[1] | Ali, M., et al., Pakistan’s fertilizer sector: structure, policies, performance, and impacts, in Agriculture and the Rural Economy in Pakistan. 2017, University of Pennsylvania Press. p. 219-272. |
. Urea-coating with chemicals, polymers, metal elements and inhibitors potentially curtail N losses and increase crop N utilization. Furthermore, zinc-coated urea seems beneficial for its potential of zinc biofortification
[10] | Zou, C., et al., Biofortification of wheat with zinc through zinc fertilization in seven countries. Plant and soil, 2012. 361(1): p. 119-130. |
[11] | Li, T., et al., Enhanced‐efficiency fertilizers are not a panacea for resolving the nitrogen problem. Global Change Biology, 2018. 24(2): p. e511-e521. |
[12] | Ashraf, A., et al., Controlled nitrogen transformation in chemo-amended urea improves nitrogen use efficiency and productivity of wheat grown on alkaline calcareous soil. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2022. 29(19): p. 28700-28713. |
). The use of Sulphur and urease inhibitor (Agrotain) coated urea was found to reduce ammonia losses by 50% from sandy loam soils
[13] | Khan, A., et al., Effects of sulfur and urease coated controlled release urea on dry matter yield, N uptake and grain quality of rice. J. Anim. Plant Sci, 2015. 25(3): p. 679-685. |
. Ammonia losses from the soil surface also decrease by the addition of P fertilizer of acidic nature
[14] | Akhtar, M. and A. Naeem, Reduction in ammonia loss by applying urea in combination with phosphate sources. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 2012. 43(15): p. 2043-2049. |
. Acidic P fertilizers may have the added benefit of promoting plant P nutrition besides controlling ammonia volatilization through lowering the soil pH
[15] | Latifah, O., O. Ahmed, and A. N. Muhamad, Ammonia loss, ammonium and nitrate accumulation from mixing urea with zeolite and peat soil water under waterlogged condition. African Journal of Biotechnology, 2011. 10(17): p. 3365-3369. |
[16] | Ahmed, O., C. B. Yap, and A. N. Muhamad, Minimizing ammonia loss from urea through mixing with zeolite and acid sulphate soil. International Journal of Physical Sciences, 2010. 5(14): p. 2198-2202. |
[15, 16]
. Phosphoric acid may also supply/mobilize calcium, capable of reducing urea hydrolysis and hence resulting in lower ammonia volatilization
[14] | Akhtar, M. and A. Naeem, Reduction in ammonia loss by applying urea in combination with phosphate sources. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 2012. 43(15): p. 2043-2049. |
. Humic acids are also capable to retain more ammonium than ammonia, thus improving crop N utilization and reducing environmental losses
[17] | Suntari, R., R. Rurini, and M. M. Soemarno, Study on the release of N-available (NH4+ and NO3-) of Urea-Humate. Intern. J. Agri. and Fore, 2013. 6: p. 209-219. |
Combined application of N and P fertilizer proved beneficial in winter wheat in terms of higher crop productivity and higher utilization of the applied nutrients. For instance, increases in grain yield and grain protein were observed with increasing rates of N fertilizer amendment alongside with P application
[18] | Lafond, G., et al., Feasibility of applying all nitrogen and phosphorus requirements at planting of no-till winter wheat. Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 2001. 81(3): p. 373-383. |
. Another study showed beneficial effects of appropriate applications of N and P fertilizer, where a N:P
5 ratio of 2:1 produced optimum yield of wheat crops grown on calcareous soils. The N form, i.e. the application of ammonium (NH
4+) and nitrate (NO
3-) also seems important as they variably affect biochemical processes in plants or in soil environments. The absorption of nitrate is accompanied by the uptake of inorganic cations and the release of OH
-, whereas ammonium favours the absorption of inorganic anions and the release of H
+ into the rhizosphere environment
[19] | Bloom, A. J., The increasing importance of distinguishing among plant nitrogen sources. Current Opinion in Plant Biology, 2015. 25: p. 10-16. |
Nitrate utilization may infer higher energy costs than ammonium assimilation, due to greater ATP requirements for the reduction of nitrate by nitrate and nitrite reductase to ammonium in plant cells, to form the variety of amino acids, a process mediated by glutamine synthetase (GS) and glutamate synthase (GOGAT)
[20] | Piwpuan, N., X. Zhai, and H. Brix, Nitrogen nutrition of Cyperus laevigatus and Phormium tenax: Effects of ammonium versus nitrate on growth, nitrate reductase activity and N uptake kinetics. Aquatic botany, 2013. 106: p. 42-51. |
. Besides other factors, cereal yield is therefore also influenced by N forms
[21] | Urlic, B., et al., Effect of NO3 and NH4 concentrations in nutrient solution on yield and nitrate concentration in seasonally grown leaf lettuce. Acta agriculturae scandinavica, section b—soil & plant Science, 2017. 67(8): p. 748-757. |
. An appropriate ammonium/nitrate ratio leads to optimum growth of apple (
Malus domestica Borkh.)
[22] | Babalar, M., et al., Effects of nitrate: ammonium ratios on vegetative growth and mineral element composition in leaves of apple. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 2015. 38(14): p. 2247-2258. |
), tomato (
Solanum lycopersicum L.)
[23] | Borrero, C., et al., Effect of ammonium/nitrate ratio in nutrient solution on control of Fusarium wilt of tomato by Trichoderma asperellum T34. Plant pathology, 2012. 61(1): p. 132-139. |
and rice (
Oryza sativa L.)
[24] | Zhang, Y., et al., Partial nitrate nutrition amends photosynthetic characteristics in rice (Oryza sativa L. var. japonica) differing in nitrogen use efficiency. Plant growth regulation, 2011. 63(3): p. 235-242. |
. Predominant ammonium source has negative effects on the growth of Arabidopsis thaliana
[25] | Masakapalli, S. K., et al., The metabolic flux phenotype of heterotrophic Arabidopsis cells reveals a flexible balance between the cytosolic and plastidic contributions to carbohydrate oxidation in response to phosphate limitation. The Plant Journal, 2014. 78(6): p. 964-977. |
, while yet another study reported stimulating impacts of ammonium on glucosinolate metabolism in A. thaliana
[26] | Marino, D., et al., Quantitative proteomics reveals the importance of nitrogen source to control glucosinolate metabolism in Arabidopsis thaliana and Brassica oleracea. Journal of experimental botany, 2016. 67(11): p. 3313-3323. |
. An appropriate ammonium/nitrate ratio enhances plant tolerance to abiotic stresses and helps alleviate light stress in Chinese cabbage (
Brassica pekinensis)
[27] | Hu, L., et al., Moderate ammonium: nitrate alleviates low light intensity stress in mini Chinese cabbage seedling by regulating root architecture and photosynthesis. Scientia Horticulturae, 2015. 186: p. 143-153. |
The crop N utilization of slow-release fertilizers can be precisely determined using
15N tracer techniques
[28] | Khursheed, M. Q. and M. Q. Mahammad, Effect of different nitrogen fertilizers on growth and yield of wheat. Zanco J. Pure Appl. Sci, 2015. 27(5): p. 19-28. |
. Despite the different mass,
15N displays similar chemical reactivity as the more abundant
14N, and hence
15N labelled fertilizers can be used to trace and quantify its uptake by the plant and to quantify N losses and their pathways. Fertilizer use efficiency is a quantitative measure of actual uptake of fertilizer N by the crop plant in relation to the amount of N added to the soil as fertilizer. The crop usually responds more to the application of nutrients such as N and P when the soil is deficient in such nutrients
[29] | Chen, Z., et al., The effect of N fertilizer placement on the fate of urea-15N and yield of winter wheat in southeast China. PLoS One, 2016. 11(4): p. e0153701. |
An effective use of fertilizers ensures higher crop productivity, the best N management involving nutrient sources, time of application, mode of application, and the interactions with different farming systems including irrigation, residue management etc. Effective N fertilizer management requires better information on the processes and dynamics of N from the applied fertilizer and the contribution of soil N to crop growth
[30] | Chen, Z., et al., The fates of 15N-labeled fertilizer in a wheat–soil system as influenced by fertilization practice in a loamy soil. Scientific Reports, 2016. 6(1): p. 1-8. |
Therefore, in this study, a set of experiments were carried out in the laboratory, in pot cultures and under field conditions, to gain this information. Different agronomic approaches were tested to identify N fertilizers for better plant availability and lower ammonia volatilization losses from alkaline soils to achieve higher wheat productivity under natural field conditions. Overall, these experiments aimed at determining a) the impact of chemo-amended urea (coated with zinc and/or inhibitors) on reducing ammonia volatilization and consequently improving wheat productivity and its nutritional quality on alkaline soil, and b) the influence of appropriate N plus P application on vegetative growth and yield of wheat. The 15N tracer technique was employed to differentiate crop N deriving from fertilizer N or native soil N and determine NUE in wheat crops.
2. Materials and Methods
The studies were conducted to elaborate the impact of chemo-amended urea on ammonia volatilization in a controlled lab environment, and the contribution of ammonium and nitrate on N and P uptake, and wheat productivity with variable phosphate rates. The field trials also conducted to determine the impact of N fertilization with P application at sufficient P application (recommended rate, RR) and its half and consequently observation were recorded for ammonia volatilization, nutrient uptake, NUE and yield parameters of wheat grown on alkaline calcareous soils.
Experimental site and soil description
The experiments were conducted at the Nuclear Institute for Agriculture and Biology (NIAB), Faisalabad, Pakistan (North 31° 23’, East 73° 01’, 184 m msl). Faisalabad has a hot desert climate with high evapotranspiration, i.e. termed BWh according to the Köppen-Geiger classification
[31] | Sarfaraz, S., M. H. Arsalan, and H. Fatima, Regionalizing the climate of Pakistan using Köppen classification system. Pakistan geographical review, 2014. 69(2): p. 111-132. |
. The temperature in the region ranges between −2°C in wintertime to +50 °C in summer time. The summer season starts in April, the winter season in November. The average yearly rainfall ranges between 300 and 350 mm, however half of the yearly rainfall occurs in July and August.
The soil (0-15 cm) was collected at the experimental field area of NIAB, Faisalabad (geographic coordinates as mentioned above), was air-dried, passed through a 2-mm sieve and then analyzed for ECe (Electrical Conductivity of saturated paste extract) and pH (U.S. Salinity Lab. Staff, 1954)
[32] | Richards, L. A., Diagnosis and improvement of saline and alkali soils. Vol. 78. 1954: LWW. |
, CaCO
3 content
[33] | Puri, A. N., A simple method of estimating total exchangeable bases in soils. Soil Science, 1931. 31(4): p. 275-280. |
, soil texture
[34] | Bouyoucos, G. J., The hydrometer as a new method for the mechanical analysis of soils. Soil Science, 1927. 23(5): p. 343-354. |
, organic matter concentration
[35] | Nelson, D. W. and L. E. Sommers, Total carbon, organic carbon, and organic matter. Methods of soil analysis: Part 3 Chemical methods, 1996. 5: p. 961-1010. |
, amount of mineral N
[36] | Keeney, D., Nitrogen-Inorganic form. In Methods of soil analysis (part 2) Chemical and mirobiological properties. American Society of Agronomy, 1982: p. 1159, 643-698. |
, and Olsen P
[37] | Sims, J. T., Soil test phosphorus: Olsen P. Methods of phosphorus analysis for soils, sediments, residuals, and waters, 2000. 20. |
. The soil was found intermediate in electrical conductivity (EC=1.2 dSi m
-1), alkaline in nature (pH=7.8) calcareous in reaction (CaCO
3 equivalent = 1.7%),
[38] | Marschner, H., Marschner's mineral nutrition of higher plants. 2011: Academic press. |
[39] | Sakin, E., The Advantages and Disadvantages of Calcareous Soils. 2024. |
[38, 39]
and have clay loam texture, low amounts of organic matter (0.98%), nitrate (4 mg kg
-1 soil), ammonium (5 mg kg
-1 soil) and Olsen P (9.80 mg kg
-1 soil). Soil used in incubation study and pot experiments was also collected from the same experimental field.
Experiment 1: Quantifying changes in ammonia volatilization from chemo-amended urea applications (150 mg N kg-1 soil) in P amended soil with incubation time
An incubation study was performed by employing a system (fitted on the very first day) for collecting ammonia emitted from treated soil. The ammonia volatilized was measured at desired days, i.e. 4, 7 and 14 after application of commercial-urea, zincated-urea and their coatings with NBPT and ATC to the soil containing sufficient P (46 mg P kg
-1 soil) and native P (No addition of P or Zero P content). The ZnO (1% Zn coating) was coated on commercial urea to form zinc coated urea (ZnU) and then both commercial and ZnU were then incubated in controlled laboratory conditions. Fertilizer granules were then further coated with inhibitors [urease inhibitor at 1% urea, i.e. N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide (NBPT) and nitrification inhibitor at 2% urea, i.e. 4- Amino-1,2,4-triazole (ATC)] or not as shown in
Table 1 thus creating six different treatments.
Table 1. Experimental treatments for Lab studies (applied as given below) and field trials.
Nr. | Treatment description | Lab Code | Field Code |
1 | Urea applied at recommended rate (RR), 150 mg N kg-1 soil | Urea | Urea |
2 | *ATC coated urea applied at RR | U+ATC | U80+ATC |
3 | **NBPT coated urea applied at RR | U+NBPT | U80+NBPT |
4 | Zincated Urea applied at RR, 150 mg N kg-1 soil | ZnU | ZnU |
5 | ATC coated ZnU applied at RR | ZnU+ATC | ZnU80+ATC |
6 | NBPT coated ZnU applied at RR | ZnU+NBPT | ZnU80+NBPT |
Note: Field trial contained all the six treatments with little modification in N & P application. Actually, Lab studies produced higher NH3 loss in inhibitor treatment (ATC), so both inhibitor treatments were applied at 80% of recommended rate (RR) in field trial and denoted as U80+ATC and U80+NBPT for commercial urea while ZnU80+ATC and ZnU80+NBPT for zincated urea. Moreover, field trails also contained sufficient P application (RR) and half of RR to observe the differences of P level as well on wheat productivity.
The incubation experiment in completely randomized design (CRD) was conducted to determine ammonia losses for a period of 14 days. Aliquots of soil (300 g air dry weight) were placed in glass vessels and were treated with chemo- amended urea as mentioned in
Table 1 at 150 mg N kg
-1 soil. The phosphate amendments viz. phosphoric acid PA) were applied in solution at an P application rate of 46 mg P kg
-1 soil, while the same N treatments were also incubated without P application. Deionized water was regularly added to maintain the soil moisture at 20% (almost equivalent to field capacity). The flasks were further fitted with a device generally air tight and with acid trap to absorb ammonia evolved during incubation. The device also consisted of a rubber stopper, a central hole which is fitted with a glass tube having a glass vial with 5 ml 0.3 M H
4 attached to its lower end. The vial bottom was almost 1.5 cm above the soil surface in the flask while the other end of the glass tube was around 1 cm above the top of the stopper. The stoppered flasks were then placed in an incubator maintained at 30°C for 4, 7 and 14 days. After each incubation time, acid vial contents were retrieved and fresh acid was replaced for the next incubation. Ammonia absorbed in the acid traps was calculated by an acid- base titration method
[40] | Bremner, J. and D. R. Keeney, Steam distillation methods for determination of ammonium, nitrate and nitrite. Analytica Chimica Acta, 1965. 32: p. 485-495. |
Experiment 2: Impact of chemo-amended urea on ammonia volatilization, and the nutritional quality and agronomic parameters of wheat grown in phosphorus amended soil under field conditions.
In this field trial, commercial and zinc-coated (zincated) urea were applied at the recommended rate (RR= 150 kg N ha
-1), while further coating with inhibitors, the coated urea being applied at 80% of recommended rate. Therefore, six urea treatments as indicated in
Table 1 with half and full dose of P were evaluated in the experiment. In a CRBD, chemo-amended urea with half and full P application were compared for ammonia volatilization, wheat yield, growth and N uptake. The experiment was performed at the NIAB Research area with three replicate plots. Due to the better performance of wheat cultivar Faisalabad-2008 in the greenhouse experiment, same was sown in field at 100 kg seed ha
-1 using tractor mounted drill. Commercial and zincated urea was applied at 150 kg N ha
-1 (100% of the recommended rate), while both urea fertilizers coated with inhibitors were applied at 80% of RR. The N fertilizer was applied in two halfs, i.e. 50% at 22 days after sowing (DAS) and the rest at booting stage. Phosphorus (46 kg P ha
-1 as H
4) was applied in two splits, i.e. half of the P was applied at seed bed preparation and the remaining with the second split of urea application. The recommended doses of K (45 kg ha
-1 as K
4) and Zn (5 kg ha
-1 as ZnSO
4) were also applied at the time of seed bed preparation. To achieve more precision in NH
3 volatilization peak, more samplings were taken and hence ammonia loss was recorded at 0, 2, 4, 7, 10 & 14 days after the second split of urea was applied to the experimental plots maintained without and with phosphorus application. Sample device consisted of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) hard plastic bucket, PVC pipe chambers (basal area 0.0324 m
2) and two sponges having thickness of 2 cm and diameter of 16 cm. Both sponges were homogeneously soaked with 15 mL of glycerol solution (50 mL of phosphoric acid + 40 mL of glycerol, constant volume to 1000 mL). The lower sponge is 5 cm away from the bottom and the upper sponge is flat with the top of the bucket. Bucket was then inserted into the soil soon after the application of fertilizer to capture ammonia losses. Upper sponges absorb ammonia in the air prevent it from entering into the lower. The lower sponge absorbs the ammonia of the soil. After each absorption, sponges were extracted with 1N KCl solution and replaced with set of sponges. KCl extract was then analyzed for ammonia losses by titration method by Kjeldahl distillation apparatus. At crop maturity, an area of 1 m
2 from three different locations in each plot was harvested and pooled to determine the wheat yield and the 1000-grain weight. Yield components like spike length, spike weight and grains per spike were recorded from 10 randomly selected plants of each plot and also pooled to get mean value for each plot.
Experiment 3: Impact of variable P fertilizer rates on wheat NUE in inhibitor-(NH4)2SO4 amended soil as assessed by 15N tracer technique.
A pot experiment was carried out to determine the NUE in wheat– soil systems with 15N labelled fertilizer (NH4)2SO4 applied at 120 mg N kg-1 soil with variable P rates (0, 15, 30 and 45 mg P kg-1 soil as phosphoric acid). The 15N labelled (NH4)2SO4 was applied as such and also after coating with nitrification inhibitor, i.e. ATC (2% of fertilizer on w/w basis) to limit its conversion to nitrate and to predominantly supply ammonium during crop growth. Pots were filled with 3 kg soil and two wheat cultivars (cv. Faisalabad 2008 and cv. Lasani) were grown up to maturity. Pots were placed in completely randomized block design with three replicates. The N fertilizer was applied in two splits, i.e. half at sowing and half at 40 days after seedling emergence; whereas P as phosphoric acid (variable rates as mentioned above), K (45 mg K kg-1 soil) as K2SO4 and Zn (5 mg kg-1 soil) as ZnSO4 were applied at sowing. Three uniform seedlings were maintained after germination. The effect of the treatments was tested for plant growth, grain yield and grain quality of wheat. Grains were digested to determine total N concentration, and the titrant of the analysis for total N was concentrated to determine 15N using isotope ratio mass spectrometry.
Measurements applied in 15N tracing experiments
For all the experiments with 15N labelled materials, the following basic data is needed:
1) Dry matter (D.M.) yield for the whole plant or plant parts
2) Total N concentration of the whole plant or plant parts
3) Plant atom%15N abundance analyzed by emission spectroscopy or isotope ratio mass spectrometry
4) Fertilizer atom%15N abundance
5) 15N labelled fertilizer(s) used and N rate(s) of application
Calculations for experiments with 15N
The first parameter when studying fertilizer uptake by a crop using isotope techniques is to determine the fraction of the nutrient derived from the labelled fertilizer, i.e.: fdff, expressed as a percentage, i.e.:
1. % dff = fdff x 100
Then, atom%
15N abundance is changed into atom%
15N excess by subtracting the natural abundance of
15N (0.3663 atom%
15N) from the atom%
15N abundance of the sample. After that the following calculations are made
[41] | McNeill, A. M., C. Zhu, and I. R. Fillery, A new approach to quantifying the N benefit from pasture legumes to succeeding wheat. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 1998. 49(3): p. 427-436. |
2. % Ndff = atom%15N excess plant / atom%15N excess fertilizer * 100
Dry Matter (DM) yield per unit area:
3. DM yield (kg/ha) = FW (kg) * 10000 (m2/ha) / area harvested (m2) * SDW (kg) / SFW (kg)
where FW is fresh weight and SDW and SFW are subsample dry and fresh weight, respectively.
4. N yield (kg/ha) = DM yield (kg/ha) * %N/100
5. Fertilizer N yield (kg/ha) = N yield (kg/ha) * % Ndff / 100
6. % Fertilizer N utilization = Fertilizer N yield (kg/ha) / Rate of N Application * 100
Experiment 4: Influence of ammonium and nitrate nutrition on N and P uptake, early growth and yield of wheat under variable phosphate application rates under greenhouse conditions.
During 2020-2021, two wheat cultivars (cv. Faisalabad 2008 and cv. Lasani) were grown under greenhouse conditions to assess the influence of ammonium and nitrate nutrition on N and P uptake, growth and yield of wheat under variable phosphate rates. Pots filled with 5 kg soil were placed in completely randomized block design with three replicates for each treatment, to which ammonium and nitrate sources of N were applied at 150 mg N kg-1 soil: In this experiment urea coated with a nitrification inhibitor, i.e. ATC (2% of urea) was added as an ammonium source designated as U+ATC, while Ca(NO3)2 was used as a nitrate source. The N application was carried out in two splits, i.e. half at sowing and the other half at early booting stage. The phosphate amendments via phosphoric acid were applied in solution form, equivalent to P application rates of 0, 15, 30 and 45 mg P kg-1 soil). The basal doses of K (45 mg K kg-1soil) as K2SO4 and Zn (5 mg Zn kg-1 soil) as ZnSO4 were applied at sowing. Twelve wheat seeds per cultivar were sown into each pot filled with 5 kg soil after maintaining the moisture of soil at 75% of the maximum water holding capacity throughout the experiment. Thinning was done to keep nine uniform seedlings in each pot per cultivar after germination. During experimentation, three seedlings per pot were harvested after 28 days and three after 48 days of sowing. After each harvest, fresh weights were recorded by washing the samples using deionized water and then blotting them dry with tissue papers. Thereafter, samples were dried in an oven at 85°C for three days to record their dry weights. The relative growth rate was calculated using the formula.:
RGR = (LN w2 - LN w1)/ (t2 - t1)
Where w2 and w1 are dry weights of plants (in grams) at times t2 and t1 (in days), respectively, and LN is the natural logarithm.
The wheat plants were harvested at physiological maturity for measuring yield parameters. The effect of the treatments was tested for plant growth, yield and grain quality. During growth, physiological parameters (Net photosynthesis rate, transpiration rate & stomatal conductance) were noted, whereas the harvested crop material was analyzed for yield parameters and for mineral NP contents in the grain.
Statistical analysis:
Effectiveness of treatments were tested employing the ANOVA technique with factorial design (two way & three way interaction depending upon factors, i.e. N management, P levels, time interval and wheat genotype) using statistical programme
[42] | Baum, C. F., A review of Stata 8.1 and its time series capabilities. 2004, Elsevier. |
(Statistix8.1) for Microsoft windows and significant differences in the treatment mean were compared using LSD at 5% level of probability
[43] | Steel, R. G. and J. H. Torrie, Principles and Procedures of Statistics McGraw-Hill Book Co. Inc., New York, 1980. 481. |
3. Results
Ammonia losses from chemo-amended Urea with and without P application
The ammonia losses from commercial and chemo amended urea applied at RR as shown in
Figure 1 was measured with and without P application under controlled laboratory conditions at different days i.e. 4, 7 and 14 after incubation. Maximum ammonia losses were observed after 4 days of incubation in all the treatments and thereafter ammonia losses gradually decreased. However, a significant reduction in ammonia losses was observed in soils amended with phosphoric acid as P source compared to soils without P application. After 4 days of incubation, commercial urea produced higher (U, 12.5%) ammonia losses compared to zincated urea (ZnU, 10.0%) in zero-P control soils, with commercial urea and zincated urea coated with ATC proving similar and non-significantly higher results. When compared to the others, NBPT treatments showed significantly (p<0.05) lower ammonia losses (3.74 to 6.54%) after 4 days of incubation, which further declined to negligible levels after 14 days of incubation, with values of 0.52 and 1.25% with and without phosphorus application, respectively.
Figure 1. Ammonia losses from conventional urea and chemo-amended-urea applications (150 mg N kg-1 soil) without and with P amendment at different days of incubation (day 4, 7 and 14).
Mean values of treatments are represented as stacked bars, where the bars sharing the same letter(s) do not differ significantly at P<0.05; vertical lines (I) on each bar denote standard errors. Abbreviations: -P = without phosphorus; +P = with phosphorus; U = urea; ATC = 4-Amino-1,2,4-triazole; NBPT = N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide; Zn-U = zinc coated urea.
Commercial urea exhibited higher cumulative ammonia losses (23.9%) in soils without P application compared to 17.3% in soils with P application. In comparison with commercial urea, ZnU produced lower cumulative loss (13.7 and 19.3%) with and without P application, respectively. However, ATC treated urea exhibited higher losses (20.1 to 24.9%) over sole application of commercial urea fertilizers. A significant variance (p<0.05) in ammonia losses was observed when U or ZnU was applied with or without the inhibitor NBPT to P amended soils. U+NBPT showed 12.8% cumulative ammonia losses, whereas ZnU+NBPT exhibited significantly (p<0.05) lower ammonia losses (6.54%) in P treated soils. An almost similar trend was observed in soils without P treatment, though at higher levels of ammonia losses. Overall, a significant reduction in ammonia losses as shown in
Figure 1 was observed with the application of P in all fertilizer treatments When compared to no-P application, ammonia losses were decreased by 37.7 and 40.9% in U and ZnU treatments in soils with P amendment.
Ammonia volatilization from wheat cropped soil with urea and phosphate application under natural field conditions
Fertilizer application to wheat grown in alkaline soil under field conditions (
Figure 2) showed variable levels and time kinetics of N losses via ammonia volatilization
Figure 2. NH3 volatilization losses at different days after application of conventional and chemo-amended urea with half (left side) and full (right side) dose of P addition.
Mean values of treatments are represented as a set of bars, where the bars sharing the same letter(s) do not differ significantly at P<0.05. Vertical lines (I) on each bar denote standard errors. U = urea; ATC = 4-Amino-1,2,4-triazole; NBPT = N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide; Zn-U = zinc coated urea. U = urea applied at recommended rate (100% RR, 150 mg N kg-1 soil); U80+ATC = ATC-coated urea applied at 80% RR; U80+NBPT = NBPT-coated urea applied at 80% RR; ZnU = zincated urea applied at 100% RR; ZnU80+ATC = ATC-coated ZnU applied at 80% RR; ZnU80+NBPT = NBPT_coated ZnU applied at 80% RR; Half P =23 kg P ha-1, Full P = 46 kg P ha-1
Similar to the laboratory findings, the highest ammonia losses occurred during the first week of fertilizer application, while the losses declined during the second week, reaching a minimum 14 days after fertilizer application. Overall, the commercial urea produced highest ammonia volatilization losses in soils applied at both P rates, i.e. at half and full level of the recommended dose of P as phosphoric acid, while ZnU produced lower ammonia losses. The maximum cumulative ammonia loss (By summing all the losses at different intervals of time) of 744 mg N m
-2 was found with the application of commercial urea with no further coating and at half of the recommended P rate, while the minimum loss of 208 mg N m
-2 was observed in the ZnU+NBPT treatment showed in
Figure 3 with full P application Almost similar trends of ammonia volatilization were observed for fertilizer applications with half and full dose of P application (
Figures 2 & 3), though at significantly lower levels at the full P rate. ATC-coated urea produced higher ammonia volatilization losses compared to NBPT-coated urea in soils applied either at half or full level of P application. Overall, ammonia losses were lower in any urea treatment amended as showed in
Figure 3 with the full dose of P application as compared to those applied with half of the P dose.
Figure 3. Cumulative ammonia losses from conventional and chemo-amended urea applications with half and full dose of phosphorus addition.
Mean values of treatments are represented as a set of bars, where the bars sharing the same letter(s) do not differ significantly at P<0.05. Vertical lines (I) on each bar denote standard errors. U = urea; ATC = 4-Amino-1,2,4-triazole; NBPT = N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide; Zn-U = zinc coated urea. U = urea applied at recommended rate (100% RR, 150 mg N kg-1 soil); U80+ATC = ATC-coated urea applied at 80% RR; U80+NBPT = NBPT-coated urea applied at 80% RR; ZnU = zincated urea applied at 100% RR; ZnU80+ATC = ATC-coated ZnU applied at 80% RR; ZnU80+NBPT = NBPT_coated ZnU applied at 80% RR; Half P =23 kg P ha-1, Full P = 46 kg P ha-1
Wheat productivity as affected by urea and phosphate application
At harvest, plant height and yield components like spike length, spike weight, grains per spike and 1000-grain weight were observed for 10 randomly selected wheat plants. Total biomass as well as grain yield was noted from one square meter from three subsites within each plot. Data on grain yield and other yield parameters of wheat grown under field conditions was showed in
Figures 4 and 5. Maximum plant height as showed in
Figure 4 was observed at the recommended application rate of ZnU (101.1 and 98.4 cm) and urea (95.8 and 93.8 cm) with half and full dose of P application, respectively. Yield and yield related traits of wheat (spike length and spike weight) showed in
Figure 4 did not significantly respond to the different urea treatments. Maximum spike length was observed in ZnU and U treatments (9.82 and 9.74 cm), respectively, with full dose of P application, and a similar trend was observed with half dose of P application. A non-significant change (p>0.05) was detected in spike length between the treatments ZnU
80+NBPT and ZnU
80+ATC (9.64 and 9.61 cm), respectively, with full dose of P application when compared with ZnU. Similar spike length was observed for the treatments U, U
80+ATC and U
80+NBPT with half and full dose of P application. Maximum spike weight was observed in ZnU (2.55 and 2.17 g) with full and half dose of P application, respectively. Spike weight did not differ between ZnU
80+NBPT andZnU
80+ATC when compared with ZnU and U at both doses of P application. Maximum grain numbers per spike and 1000-grain weights were observed in ZnU and U, respectively. Overall, the results highlight the superior performance of ZnU compared to commercial urea as an N fertilizer regarding its positive effect on wheat productivity. The 80% dose of N applied as chemo-amended urea produced as much biomass as was produced by the full dose (recommended rate) of commercial urea. Maximum biomass was produced by the recommended application of ZnU (1.160 and 1.157 kg m
-2) and urea (1.037 and 1.010 kg m
-2) with full and half dose of P application, respectively. We found no significant variance (p<0.05) in total wheat biomass (1.143 and 1.047 kg m
-2) with 80% of chemo-amended fertilizer such as ZnU
80+NBPT and U
80+NBPT, respectively, with full dose of P application. Almost similar trends were observed with ZnU
80+ATC and U
80+ATC with half and full dose of P application.
Figure 4. Effect of conventional and chemo-amended urea applications on plant height and yield-related traits of wheat with half and full dose of P addition.
Mean values of treatments are represented as a set of bars, where the bars sharing the same letter(s) do not differ significantly at P<0.05. Vertical lines (I) on each bar denote standard errors. U = urea; ATC = 4-Amino-1,2,4-triazole; NBPT = N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide; Zn-U = zinc coated urea. U = urea applied at recommended rate (100% RR, 150 mg N kg-1 soil); U80+ATC = ATC-coated urea applied at 80% RR; U80+NBPT = NBPT-coated urea applied at 80% RR; ZnU = zincated urea applied at 100% RR; ZnU80+ATC = ATC-coated ZnU applied at 80% RR; ZnU80+NBPT = NBPT_coated ZnU applied at 80% RR; Half P =23 kg P ha-1, Full P = 46 kg P ha-1
Figure 5. Effect of conventional and chemo-amended urea applications on plant biomass, grain yield, 1000-grain weight and grain P concentration in wheat with half and full dose of P addition.
Figures 4 and 5 showed that plant height was lower in all treatments with full dose compared to half dose of P application (. Similarly, maximum grain yield was observed in ZnU and U (0.407 and 0.401 kg m
-2), respectively, with full dose of P application. Grain yield did not differ between ZnU
80+NBPT and ZnU
80+ATC (0.395 and 0.383 kg m
-2) compared to ZnU applied at the recommended rate. Grain yield produced in ZnU and U was 0.362 and 0.359 kg m
-2, respectively, with half dose of P application. A non-significant change (p>0.05) as showed in
Figure 5 was observed in grain yield between U
80+NBPT and U
80+ATC with 0.350 and 0.334 kg m
-2, respectively, with half dose of P application. The results ratify that 80% of the recommended rate of N applied as chemo-amended urea is sufficient to produce comparable grain yield to the recommended rate of N applied as commercial urea. Maximum P concentration in wheat grain was observed in U
80+NBPT, followed by U
80+ATC at the full dose of P application when compared with ZnU and U as showed in
Figure 5 whereas lower grain P contents but almost similar trends were observed at half dose of P application. Moreover, across all inhibitor treatments ZnU caused lower grain P contents compared to commercial urea. Almost similar trends were observed for the fertilizer treatments in terms of grains per spike and 1000-grain weights at half and full dose of P application. No significant difference was observed in both parameters when ZnU and U at recommended rates were compared with 80% of the recommended rate of chemo-amended fertilizers. Maximum N uptake and NUE (
Figure 6) was recorded for fertilizers at full dose of P application N uptake in grain was similar for U and ZnU, but declined with inhibitor treatments by 0.5 to 1.0 g N m
-2. Higher wheat NUE was found in ZnU
80+NBPT and ZnU
80+ATC (62.8 and 60.6%, respectively) when compared with ZnU and U (52.4 and 51.6%, respectively). Wheat NUE in U
80+NBPT and U
80+ATC was intermediate, with 58.8 and 56.7%, respectively, with full dose of P application. Almost similar trends in NUE were observed for all urea treatments with half dose of P application.
Figure 6. Effect of conventional and chemo-amended urea applications on N uptake and NUE in wheat with half and full dose of P addition.
Mean values of treatments are represented as a set of bars, where the bars sharing the same letter(s) do not differ significantly at P<0.05. Vertical lines (I) on each bar denote standard errors. U = urea; ATC = 4-Amino-1,2,4-triazole; NBPT = N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide; Zn-U = zinc coated urea. U = urea applied at recommended rate (100% RR, 150 mg N kg-1 soil); U80+ATC = ATC-coated urea applied at 80% RR; U80+NBPT = NBPT-coated urea applied at 80% RR; ZnU = zincated urea applied at 100% RR; ZnU80+ATC = ATC-coated ZnU applied at 80% RR; ZnU80+NBPT = NBPT_coated ZnU applied at 80% RR; Half P =23 kg P ha-1, Full P = 46 kg P ha-1. N = nitrogen; NUE = nitrogen use efficiency; Half P =23 kg P ha-1, Full P = 46 kg P ha-1
Change in Wheat NUE with increasing P rates as assessed by 15N tracer technique
A pot experiment to determine the fractions %Ndff, %Ndfs, crop N yield, fertilizer N yield, and plant N utilization as shown in
Table 2 was carried out.
Table 2. Yield parameters and nitrogen use of wheat supplied with (NH4)2SO4 fertilizer with and without the nitrification inhibitor 4-Amino-1,2,4-triazole (ATC) at variable phosphate addition rate (0-45 mg P kg-1 soil).
Variety | Treatment | P Application | Biomass | Grain yield | 1000-G.W | Ndff | Ndfs | Crop N yield | Fertilizer N yield | Fertilizer N utilization |
mg P kg-1 soil | g pot-1 | % | g N pot-1 | % |
Fsd-2008 | 15NH4(SO4)2 + ATC | 0 | 66.46f-i* | 23.39fgh | 40.5g | 46.72ab | 53.27fg | 0.385h | 0.18cde | 49.94d-g |
15 | 69.61def | 23.66e-h | 42.1ef | 49.25a | 50.74g | 0.397fgh | 0.196ab | 54.37bc |
30 | 71.72bcd | 26.62ab | 44.55bcd | 42.39efg | 57.61abc | 0.461bc | 0.195bc | 54.16bc |
45 | 75.31a | 27.67a | 46.35a | 42.81c-g | 57.19a-e | 0.494a | 0.211a | 58.73a |
15NH4(SO4)2 | 0 | 65.65hi | 23.09gh | 38.1h | 44.5b-e | 55.5-f | 0.374h | 0.167ef | 46.28gh |
15 | 67.21e-i | 23.70d-h | 41.15fg | 45.27b-e | 54.73c-f | 0.392gh | 0.177cde | 49.26efg |
30 | 70.34cde | 25.04cd | 43.45cde | 41.48fg | 58.52ab | 0.423def | 0.175de | 48.67fg |
45 | 74.03ab | 27.04a | 44.8bc | 40.51g | 59.48a | 0.468ab | 0.189bcd | 52.51c-f |
Lasani | 15NH4(SO4)2 + ATC | 0 | 66.13ghi | 23.3gh | 40.4g | 45.74bc | 54.26ef | 0.381h | 0.174e | 48.32g |
15 | 67.87e-h | 23.88d-g | 41.7fg | 43.74b-f | 56.25b-f | 0.399e-h | 0.174e | 48.47fg |
30 | 71.41bcd | 25.5bc | 44.35cd | 43.87b-f | 56.12b-f | 0.435cd | 0.191bcd | 53bcde |
45 | 74.19ab | 27.4a | 45.85ab | 42.65d-g | 57.34a-d | 0.48ab | 0.203ab | 56.86ab |
15NH4(SO4)2 | 0 | 64.42i | 22.41h | 37.6h | 45.47bcd | 54.52def | 0.339i | 0.154f | 42.75h |
15 | 66.02hi | 23.62e-h | 40.7fg | 44.10b-f | 55.89b-f | 0.385h | 0.169e | 47.01g |
30 | 69.32d-g | 24.715c-f | 43.25de | 42.92c-g | 57.08a-e | 0.411d-g | 0.179de | 48.95fg |
45 | 73.44abc | 24.96cde | 44.65bcd | 45.08bcde | 54.91cdef | 0.426de | 0.193bc | 53.34bcd |
| LSD (p<0.05%) | | 3.269 | 1.347 | 1.49 | 3.00 | 3.00 | 0.029 | 0.016 | 4.049 |
We observed that plant biomass increased with increasing P application rate in both varieties, when
15N-labelled fertilizer was applied with and without the nitrification inhibitor ATC. In general, both cultivars (cv. Faisalabad-2008 and cv. Lasani) showed maximum plant biomass when
15N-labelled fertilizer was applied with the nitrification inhibitor ATC (designated as
2+ATC). Maximum plant biomass (75.3 g pot
-1) was observed in cv. Faisalabad-2008 at 45 mg P kg
-1 application rate and this decreased with decreasing P rates, e.g. to 71.7 g pot
-1 plant biomass at 30 mg P kg
-1 application and further to 66.5 g pot
-1 at zero-P application. An almost similar trend was observed in cv. Lasani when it was supplied with
2+ATC as well as
2 without inhibitor at different levels of P application. Similarly, maximum plant biomass was observed in cv. Faisalabad-2008 (75.3 g pot
- 1) followed by cv. Lasani (73.4 g/pot) when
2 was applied without ATC at the highest rate of P application. Minimum grain yield was observed in both cultivars with zero-P application. Maximum grain yield (27. 7 and 27.0 g pot
-1) was observed in cv. Faisalabad-2008 followed by cv. Lasani, respectively, with 45 mg P kg
-1 application in the
2+ATC treatment. In general, no significant variance (p>0.05) was observed in plant biomass and grain yield of both varieties in the application of N fertilizer with ATC inhibitor, and almost the similar trend was seen when N fertilizer was applied without ATC. However, significant differences (p<0.05) were observed in plant biomass and grain yield of wheat cultivars between N fertilizer treatments with and without ATC inhibitor. Maximum percentage N derived from fertilizer (%Ndff) was recorded in both, cv. Faisalabad-2008 and cv. Lasani, the former being higher, with
2+ATC however, this was non-significant when N fertilizer was applied alone. %Ndff ranged between 40.5 and 49.3%, and overall %Ndff declined with increasing P rate (except cv. P application in
2+ATC. Overall, fertilizer N utilization in both varieties increased with increasing P rate as shown in
Table 3 and by co-amendment of the nitrification inhibitor ATC. Fertilizer N yield of the ATC-N treatment increased with increasing P application rate (from 0 to 45 mg kg
-1) in cv. Faisalabad-2008 and cv. Lasani from 50 to 59% and from 43 to 57%, respectively. An almost similar trend was observed as shown in
Table 2 when N fertilizer was applied without inhibitor, fertilizer N utilization increasing from 46 to 59% and from 43 to 57% in cv. Faisalabad-2008 and cv. Lasani, respectively..
Table 3. Influence of ammonium and nitrate nutrition on early growth (28 and 48 days after sowing) of wheat under variable P application rates.
| Fresh & dry weight after 28 and 48DAS | |
Variety | Treatment | P Application | F.W | D.W | F.W | D.W | RGR |
ppm | g/plant | g/ day |
Fsd-2008 | U+ATC | 0 | 1.385ef | 0.166fg | 3.8efg | 0.62efg | 0.065a |
15 | 1.464def | 0.182cdef | 4.5bcdef | 0.69cde | 0.067a |
30 | 1.56bcde | 0.198abcd | 4.83abcd | 0.767bc | 0.068a |
45 | 1.754a* | 0.211a | 5.56a | 0.88a | 0.072a |
Ca(NO3)2 | 0 | 1.357f | 0.156g | 3.66fg | 0.58g | 0.066a |
15 | 1.4405def | 0.170efg | 3.88defg | 0.673def | 0.069a |
30 | 1.5115def | 0.183bcdef | 4.5bcdef | 0.73cd | 0.069a |
45 | 1.700abc | 0.2015abc | 5abc | 0.85ab | 0.072a |
Lasani | U+ATC | 0 | 1.377f | 0.163fg | 3.66fg | 0.59fg | 0.064a |
15 | 1.447def | 0.175defg | 4cdef | 0.682cde | 0.068a |
30 | 1.531cdef | 0.19abcde | 4.73abcde | 0.752cd | 0.069a |
45 | 1.712ab | 0.206ab | 5.13ab | 0.859a | 0.071a |
Ca(NO3)2 | 0 | 1.106g | 0.128h | 2.96g | 0.48h | 0.067a |
15 | 1.406def | 0.1685efg | 3.83defg | 0.631efg | 0.066a |
30 | 1.468def | 0.18cdef | 4.16bcdef | 0.723cd | 0.069a |
45 | 1.569bcd | 0.198abcd | 4.6abcdef | 0.767bc | 0.068a |
LSD (p<0.05%) | | 0.177 | 0.023 | 1.012 | 0.088 | 8.4E-03 |
Influence of N forms on wheat productivity under variable phosphate application rates
Application of increasing P amounts with two different sources of nitrogen (ammonium or nitrate) significantly increased fresh and dry mass of wheat showed in
Table 3 harvested at two different growth stages. The effect of P rate with U+ATC on fresh and dry mass was evident in both varieties from the very 1st harvest onwards where higher P rates increased the fresh and dry mass accumulation in U+ATC over that of the nitrate treatment. These differences were also evident (p<0.05) at the 2
nd harvest. The rate of P application in the U+ATC and Ca(NO
2 treatments also positively though non-significantly influenced relative growth rates shown in
Table 3, measured between 28 and 48 days of growth, which ranged narrowly between 0.65 and 0.72 g d-1. It was observed (
Figure 7) that Increasing P supply also increased the foliar chlorophyll content, grain N and P concentrations, and grain yield. The behaviour of the two cultivars was diverse for fresh mass, dry mass, and grain N and P concentration when treatments U+ATC and Ca(NO
2 were considered under different rates of P application. Overall, cv. Faisalabad-2008 and cv. Lasani showed higher fresh and dry mass when treated with an indirect ammonium source of N, i.e. U+ATC compared to the nitrate source, i.e. Ca(NO
2. At 1st harvest, cv. Faisalabad-2008 showed lowest fresh and dry mass (1.386 and 0.166 g plant-1), respectively, with zero-P application and fresh and dry mass (1.755 and 0.211 g plant
-1) increased significantly (p<0.05) at 45 mg P kg
-1 application along with the ammonium source. An almost similar trend was observed with cv. Lasani. Both cultivars, treated with Ca(NO
2, showed lower fresh and dry mass (1.357 and 0.156 g plant-1) as shown in
Table 3, and lower grain N and P concentrations (
Table 4) compared to the ammonium treatment. Maximum grain N and P concentrations were observed with 45 mg P kg
-1 application along with ammonium as an N source.
Figure 7. Impact of ammonium and nitrate nutrition on Chlorophyll content (unit value), grain yield and nutrient uptake of wheat under variable P application rates.
Mean values of treatments are represented as a set of bars, where the bars sharing the same letter(s) do not differ significantly at P<0.05. Vertical lines (I) on each bar denote standard errors. U+ATC = urea coated with ATC (4-Amino-1,2,4-triazole); Chl. Content = leaf chlorophyll content; N = nitrogen; P = phosphorus.
Figure 8. Correlation of N loss vs NUE (%) regardless of experimental treatments (each dot in the linear regression showing mean of 3-replicate and error bar).
Table 4. Influence of ammonium and nitrate nutrition on N and P uptake at early growth (28 and 48 days after sowing) of wheat under variable P application rates.
| N&P content after 28 and 48 DAS |
Variety | Treatment | P Application | N content | P content | N content | P content |
ppm | % |
Fsd-2008 | U+ATC | 0 | 4.48bcde | 0.26bcd | 3.79c | 0.249hi |
15 | 4.74abcd | 0.31abcd | 3.85bc | 0.27gh |
30 | 4.97ab | 0.36abcd | 3.99bc | 0.35ab |
45 | 5.14a | 0.416a | 4.45a | 0.37a |
Ca(NO3)2 | 0 | 4.25de | 0.235cd | 3.68c | 0.207j |
15 | 4.56abcde | 0.27bcd | 3.74c | 0.243hi |
30 | 4.78abcd | 0.344abcd | 3.88bc | 0.287efg |
45 | 5.02ab | 0.39ab | 4.03bc | 0.327bcd |
Lasani | U+ATC | 0 | 4.32cde | 0.24cd | 3.71c | 0.237i |
15 | 4.68abcd | 0.30abcd | 3.75c | 0.257ghi |
30 | 4.89abc | 0.344abcd | 3.92bc | 0.303def |
45 | 5.09ab | 0.401ab | 4.16ab | 0.336bc |
Ca(NO3)2 | 0 | 4.05e | 0.233e | 3.29d | 0.207j |
15 | 4.54abcde | 0.267bcd | 3.71c | 0.236i |
30 | 4.77abcd | 0.33abcd | 3.87bc | 0.281fg |
45 | 4.98ab | 0.38abc | 3.96bc | 0.31cde |
LSD (p<0.05%) | | 0.629 | 0.141 | 0.36 | 0.029 |
4. Discussion
Reasons of low ammonia losses in alkaline soils amended with acidic phosphate
The cumulative ammonia losses from urea ranged from 4.8% to 12.5% and 3.3% to 8.1% with and without P application as phosphoric acid, respectively. Previously, it was observed that ammonia losses decreased in alkaline soils by H
4. Acidic P application reduced ammonia volatilization losses by 12–43% from commercial urea and this reduction was further increased by 29 to 50% with ZnU. Phosphate sources generally reduce ammonia losses, but H
4 has been found to be most effective in reducing ammonia losses from alkaline soil. Our results are in accordance with earlier reported results by scientists
[2] | Lu, W., et al., Dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium in a soil under greenhouse vegetable cultivation as affected by organic amendments. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2015. 15(5): p. 1169-1177. |
, who elucidated the mechanism of the reduction in ammonia losses and reported lower ammonia losses from urea applied with phosphoric acid, followed by single superphosphate and triple superphosphate when compared to urea alone. They highlighted that the addition of phosphate sources, particularly of phosphoric acid, significantly decreased soil pH, which shifts the pH-dependent chemical equilibrium of NH
4+ ⇌ NH
3 towards the protonated form, reducing the concentration of free ammonia and therefore the rate of ammonia volatilization. Moreover, the decrease in soil pH, by providing acidic soil microenvironments, can subsequently decrease urea hydrolysis at lower soil pH
[44] | Kaur, N., I. Phillips, and M. V. Fey, Amelioration of bauxite residue sand by intermittent additions of nitrogen fertiliser and leaching fractions: the effect on growth of kikuyu grass and fate of applied nutrients. Science of Total Environment, 2016. 550: p. 362-371. |
This is based on strong alterations of the enzyme kinetics of urease enzymes with pH, i.e. substrate affinity (the inverse of Km values) decreases linearly with decreasing soil pH whereas maximum enzyme catalytic rates (Vmax) increase with rising soil pH, to reach a maximum at pH 6.0 and then decline at higher soil pH
[44] | Kaur, N., I. Phillips, and M. V. Fey, Amelioration of bauxite residue sand by intermittent additions of nitrogen fertiliser and leaching fractions: the effect on growth of kikuyu grass and fate of applied nutrients. Science of Total Environment, 2016. 550: p. 362-371. |
[14] | Akhtar, M. and A. Naeem, Reduction in ammonia loss by applying urea in combination with phosphate sources. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 2012. 43(15): p. 2043-2049. |
[45] | Latifah, O., O. H. Ahmed, and N. M. A. Majid, Soil pH buffering capacity and nitrogen availability following compost application in a tropical acid soil. Compost Science & Utilization, 2018. 26(1): p. 1-15. |
[44, 14, 45]
. Greater concentrations and stability of ammonium over ammonia at lower soil pH and the formation of meta-stable products, such as ammonium calcium phosphate [Ca(NH
2], may further promote the reduction in ammonia losses. It was also reported that addition of phosphate may supply or mobilize Calcium, which could lesser urea hydrolysis and decrease ammonia volatilization
[46] | Julien, P. A., et al., In situ monitoring of mechanochemical synthesis of calcium urea phosphate fertilizer cocrystal reveals highly effective water-based autocatalysis. Chemical Science, 2020. 11(9): p. 2350-2355. |
Highest ammonia losses were detected during initial days of fertilizer application, which then declined gradually with passage of time, irrespective of fertilizer amendments with or without P application. Similar findings were also reported previously
[47] | Akhtar, M., et al., Influence of salinity on nitrogen transformations in soil. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 2012. 43(12): p. 1674-1683. |
, i.e. that maximum N losses from urea arisen during initial stages of application, and accredited these losses to strong ammonium accumulation due to rapid hydrolysis of urea and hence greater ammonia volatilization losses early after urea application. Previously it was also found maximum losses up to 7 days from non-saline soils and up to 10 days from salt-affected soils. Thereafter, ammonia losses decreased exponentially until the 4th week of incubation
[48] | Maqsood, M. A., et al., Nitrogen management in calcareous soils: problems and solutions. Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2016. 53(1). |
. Actually, strong ammonium accumulation in soils due to rapid hydrolysis of urea induced ammonia emissions shortly after urea application and these ammonia losses reached the maximum in U+ATC applied to alkaline soil studied here. Similar results were reported previously
[9] | Pan, B., et al., Ammonia volatilization from synthetic fertilizers and its mitigation strategies: a global synthesis. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 2016. 232: p. 283-289. |
. Synthetic nitrification inhibitors (SNIs) normally inhibit the nitrification process and cause accumulation of ammonium on urea hydrolysis, thus increase ammonia volatilization from alkaline soils. In this experiment, U+NBPT and ZnU+NBPT showed lower losses as NBPT inhibitor delays the immediate hydrolysis of urea and thereby decreases the soil ammonium / ammonia concentration. Urea hydrolysis consumes protons (H
+) and increases soil pH, driving the equilibrium (NH
4+ ⇌ NH
3) towards the gaseous form, ammonia
[49] | Cantarella, H., et al., Agronomic efficiency of NBPT as a urease inhibitor: A review. Journal of Advanced Research, 2018. 13: p. 19-27. |
The inhibitor NBPT is found to be more stable under alkaline conditions. In the present study ZnU caused negligible ammonia losses when compared to commercial urea, due to the down-regulation of the release of ammonium in soils with and without P application. However, zincated urea alone acted as slow-release fertilizer, while its further coating or amendment with SNIs enhanced its effectiveness in reducing ammonium formation and ammonia losses during the early days of incubation, because of the joint inhibitory effects of Zn coating and SNIs
[12] | Ashraf, A., et al., Controlled nitrogen transformation in chemo-amended urea improves nitrogen use efficiency and productivity of wheat grown on alkaline calcareous soil. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2022. 29(19): p. 28700-28713. |
[50] | Jiang, Z., et al., Ammonia volatilization and availability of Cu, Zn induced by applications of urea with and without coating in soils. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2012. 24(1): p. 177-181. |
[12, 50]
. Almost similar cumulative N losses were observed in both, commercial and chemo-amended urea after 14 days of incubation, but a significant reduction of ammonia losses was observed with compared to without P application. The laboratory experiment showed higher ammonia losses at higher N application rates, irrespective of the applied fertilizer treatments, as also observed previously
[51] | Schraml, M., et al., Ammonia loss from urea in grassland and its mitigation by the new urease inhibitor 2-NPT. The Journal of Agricultural Science, 2016. 154(8): p. 1453-1462. |
As in the field experiment, in the laboratory experiment chemo-amended urea was applied at 80% of RR and consequently encountered lower N-losses and conferred higher benefits in terms of plant growth and N uptake. Almost similar trends of ammonia losses were observed in the field trial, where commercial urea as well as and zincated urea at RR exhibited higher ammonia losses when compared to chemo-amended fertilizer applied at 80% of RR. Minimum losses were examined with the second split of fertilizer application, the reason of lower ammonia volatilization losses being higher root accumulation of N by the actively growing crop at this stage.
Our results are in accordance with earlier reported results by scientists
[52] | Duan, Y.-H., et al., Nitrogen use efficiency as affected by phosphorus and potassium in long-term rice and wheat experiments. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2014. 13(3): p. 588-596. |
, who also elucidated the effect of various fertilization regimes on yield, NUE and N loss in long term experiments carried out at three rice-wheat rotation sites with the amendment of sole chemical N, N+P (NP), and N+P+K (NPK) fertilizer. Nitrogen loss/input ratios were ~60, ~40 or ~30% under N, NP or NPK, indicating significant decreases in N losses by P or P+K additions, as witnessed in the current study for both, the improvement of NUE and the reduction in N losses.
Significance of acidic phosphate on improving NUE in crop production
The appropriate management of fertilizer application is considered an important tool in enhancing the efficacy of the fertilizer applied at farm level. Phosphate addition along with urea, especially acidic phosphate, helps avoid ammonia volatilization losses, thereby increasing the plant availability of the applied N fertilizer. Previous studies also reported a great potential of P amendments to improve NUE in crop production
[53] | Miao, Y., B. A. Stewart, and F. Zhang, Long-term experiments for sustainable nutrient management in China. A review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 2011. 31(2): p. 397-414. |
. In a previous study, annual NUE under N, NP or NPK treatments was 22, 36 or 48% for wheat, which is similar to our findings for N versus NP, whereas NUE was much higher in rice, i.e. 64%
[54] | Yi, C., et al., Contributions of different N sources to crop N nutrition in a Chinese rice field. Pedosphere, 2010. 20(2): p. 198-208. |
. Compared with sole N fertilization in a long term experiment, P addition significantly improved NUE in both, rice and wheat crops. Long term P fertilization in Asia improved rice yield and NUE which may be attributed to decreased fertilizer N losses
[55] | Singh, D. K., et al., Long-term effects of inorganic fertilizer and farmyard manure application on productivity, sustainability and profitability of rice-wheat system in Mollisols. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 2019. 65(2): p. 139-151. |
In West Africa, increasing P application was reported to increase NUE in maize crops and to decrease fertilizer N losses
[56] | Chikowo, R., et al., Nitrogen and phosphorus capture and recovery efficiencies, and crop responses to a range of soil fertility management strategies in sub-Saharan Africa, in Springer. 2011: Innovations as Key to the Green Revolution in Africa. p. 571-589. |
and current findings as shown in
Figure 7 also proved positive effect of lower N losses on NUE in wheat irrespective of fertilizer treatments. Similar to these current findings, earlier studies also elaborated on the significance of input management at the farm level to improve nutrient utilization for crop production, hence suggesting the essentiality of P co-application in sustainable agricultural systems. Compared to sole N fertilization, wheat grain yields increased significantly by NP amendment, representing the importance of P in order to improve crop productivity and fertilizer N use efficiency
[52] | Duan, Y.-H., et al., Nitrogen use efficiency as affected by phosphorus and potassium in long-term rice and wheat experiments. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2014. 13(3): p. 588-596. |
Our results are alike to those of earlier results by scientists
[57] | Kaleem, S., et al., Effect of phosphorus on the yield and yield components of wheat variety “Inquilab-91” under rainfed conditions. Sarhad Journal of Agriculture, 2009. 25(1): p. 21-24. |
, who also reported that P application enhanced grains spike
-1, spike length, spike weight, 1000-grain weight, grain yield, due to the promotion of the accumulation of photosynthates and accelerated grain ripening, which resulted in greater grain mass. Our results also highlight that a balanced ratio of N and P fertilizers is crucial to obtain high wheat yield, which is against the practice of common farmer’s in the area, who do not bother about the balance of applied fertilizers at sowing
[58] | Izhar Shafi, M., et al., Application of single superphosphate with humic acid improves the growth, yield and phosphorus uptake of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in calcareous soil. Agronomy Journal, 2020. 10(9): p. 1224. |
Significance of inhibitors on N availability in alkaline soils
Overall, the results elucidate the significance of chemo-amended fertilizers at a rate of 80% of RR, showing their greater effectiveness compared to commercial and zincated urea applied at 100% RR regarding their effect on wheat biomass and grain quality. The 80% dose of N applied as chemo-amended fertilizer produced as much wheat biomass and grain as produced by the full dose (100% RR) of commercial and zincated urea. Similarly, yield and yield-related traits of wheat were also statistically non-significantly different between urea treatments differing in RR (100% RR without inhibitors versus 80% RR with inhibitors). This demonstrates that 80% of the recommended dose of N applied as chemo-amended fertilizer is sufficient to produce grain yields and qualities comparable to the recommended rate of N applied as commercial and zincated urea. However, both ZnU80+NBPT & U80+NBPT behaved similarly regarding their effects on growth and yield attributes of wheat, justifying the use of urease and/or nitrification inhibitors at lower fertilizer N application rates to obtain higher agronomic benefits and increased NUE. The here reported evaluations of chemo-amended fertilizer under laboratory and field conditions provided a sufficient data-set, which is required for achieving reliable information farm level application of these altered fertilization regimes. The better efficiency of the chemo-amended fertilizer at 80% of RR was been accredited to lower losses of ammonia compared to the full dose of commercial and zincated urea fertilizer, both at half and at the full dose of P fertilizer. In short, lower doses of chemo-amended fertilizer at 80% of RR are as much effective as the full dose of N applied as commercial and zincated fertilizer.
Role of N forms (ammonium versus nitrate) on wheat productivity
Much research has been devised to the effect of ammonium versus nitrate on plant nutrition. While some studies concluded that nitrate is usually superior to ammonium for plant and more specifically for crop growth, the effect N speciation may vary with plant species, the environment and with soil conditions such as soil pH and other factors
[59] | Jan, T., et al., Response of wheat to source, type and time of nitrogen application. Sarhad Journal of Agriculture, 2007. 23(4): p. 871. |
. Our results are in accordance with earlier
[60] | Jan, M. T., et al., Improving wheat productivity through source and timing of nitrogen fertilization. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 2011. 43(2): p. 905-914. |
, who also reported that ammonium outperformed than nitrate in terms of total yield and of yield components of wheat, which might thus have resulted in non-significant differences between both N forms for many wheat yield parameters. In our pot experiment, with either ammonium and nitrate sources, we observed that increasing the application of P significantly increased the fresh mass, dry mass, and grain N and P content of wheat across three growth periods, as previously reported
[3] | Akhtar, M., et al., Influence of different rates of phosphorus on growth, yield and phosphorus use efficiency in two wheat cultivars. Journal of plant nutrition, 2011. 34(8): p. 1223-1235. |
. The rate of P application also influenced (non-significantly) the relative growth rates during the vegetative stage of crop
[61] | Mackay, J. E., et al., A key role for arbuscular mycorrhiza in plant acquisition of P from sewage sludge recycled to soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2017. 115: p. 11-20. |
. An almost similar trend was observed in the greenhouse experiment shown in
Table 3 involving the
15N tracer technique. The inhibitor treatment with ATC here caused as light, non-significant increase in %Ndff and a corresponding inverse response of %Ndfs, as previously reported
[30] | Chen, Z., et al., The fates of 15N-labeled fertilizer in a wheat–soil system as influenced by fertilization practice in a loamy soil. Scientific Reports, 2016. 6(1): p. 1-8. |
. However, maximum %Ndfs was observed in the treatment with
15N labelled fertilizer without inhibitor, which might be due to active nitrification and nitrate accumulation in soils without ATC. The ammonium source performed better in the current study with increasing rates of P application than the nitrate source, eventually due to the competitive impact of anion uptake between phosphate and nitrate anions and the overall imbalance developing between cations and anions when switching between ammonium and nitrate nutrition. However, optimum NP supply in the growth medium caused an increase in grain yield, 1000-grain weight, and N and P uptake in wheat, as reported previously
[62] | Akhtar, M., et al., Improving soil phosphorus supply and wheat yield with manure-amended phosphate fertilizer. Experimental Agriculture, 2020. 56(1): p. 48-58 |
, though different cultivars behaved differently to the applied N sources and rates of fertilizer application, which depends on their morphological characteristics
[59] | Jan, T., et al., Response of wheat to source, type and time of nitrogen application. Sarhad Journal of Agriculture, 2007. 23(4): p. 871. |